Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Windows 10 Are Really Suck!

I have been using Linux most of the times and this month I am using Apple more. But when I returned to Windows 10 and honest, it is sucks!
I do not know why but Linux or Ubuntu seems that my brain is belonging to Linux.
If you disagree with me that is fine with me but I feel like Linux and Apple are the right tools for me.
I suggest you all try Linux and you will love it.
Anyway, when I tried Windows 10 again, it does give me a headache! But Linux and Apple don't.
If you don't know what is LINUX or UBUNTU? Go look up on your google and have fun!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Bullying Is Never Ok

Have you checked your kids, if they bully other kids?

I have learned that many parents have no idea if their kids bully around other kids, which is pretty sad to know this.

If your kids bully other kids, that means you are also a bully.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018